Gorgeous Core is here and we are so excited. To date, this is my favorite workout DVD because I was able to pack it full of intermediate to advanced level core work (with beginner modifications). Get ready to be challenged. If you try Gorgeous Core and don't feel challenged, please check your form and make sure you are not using momentum through segments like Lean, Long and Strong or Sleek Physique Core Work... If you slow down and follow my cues of really committing to the positions you will be challenged.
Remember that it's not about how many reps you do or how advanced you get. It's about how well you do the reps (advanced or not). I can take a beginner barre class and get super sore the next day because I get into the position from the start and allow my muscles to work by concentrating and thinking about the form.
You should feel challenged to the core from the very first rep!